Sunday, October 05, 2003

Today I turn 24. A new day. a new beginning.

This has gotta to be the first bday I'm celebrating since my 15th bday when I dun receive any flowers ... :o) Not quite sure if saying this outloud is extremely egoistic of me. But then again, who cares!

How should I begin my 24th year of existence on Planet Earth? What should I aspire to achieve before I hit my quarter life crisis? So many "hows", "whats", "whys" & "what-ifs". I guess this is the beauty of life. Uncertainty and hope. Strength vs weakness. Wishes vs fear.

There are definitely moments of doubts in my life. The problem with being a lady in this time and age is we are given so much choices in deciding what we want to be. And it often results in a case of us knowing what choice to make. Should I be a career woman or should I aspire to be a good mom? Should I be a lawyer or an accountant? Should I give up my home and relocate somewhere else?

It gets worse when I think about relationships. what sort of expectations should a modern lady have towards relationships? Should I be more agressive and seek out the guy I like? Or should I wait for him to make the first move? Can we be as emotionally detached as some guys and separate physical desires from our emotions? Should I pay? Should I wait? Do I still have the right to demanded to be treated like a damsel?

So many questions. So little time, so bewildered.

24 ... here I come. Is the world ready for me as I suss out my "situation"? I hope the world is ready, coz mistdew here is just going to keep her toes and fingers crossed and hope that her life will turn out fine eventually.

Wish me luck!!