Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Somehow the notion of "living my life" has been the question I have been asking myself frequently these days.

Am I living my life? Or am I watching the pasage of time pass by me while I wait for my end? What does it mean to "live my life"? Does it mean living out my dreams? But are my dreams realistic? Does it mean experiencing new experiences in life? Or does it mean just going through the rituals of growing up, be gainfully employed and growing old?

What does it mean to have a successful life? Is it the society's expectation to have plenty of moo-lah rolling in and having big fancy cars and a really huge house? Or is raising capable kids who can make a meaningful contribution to the world next time? Or is it simply just working and making annual contributions to the government's coffers and do what is expected of your life, ie. get a degree, work, have a family and drop dead?

Could it potentially be falling in love and enjoy that blissful notion of 'happily-ever-after'? Or could be it having your heart smashed to pieces by the one you once loved, before one is considered to have lived?

How much money is enough before one can be happy? Is money even an important factor to consider? Of course in modern society, money is necessity. Even a cuppa Starbucks costs like $4. No moo-lah, no coffee. But does that make us really happy as a person? Spend $800+ on a gadget. Well, how is that gadget supposed to improve my life and make it happier? Probably just that instance of emotional gratification.

In exchange for money, I gave up my time. I used my time and energy to solve accounting issues for people. To present work that no one really cares about. Sometimes I dun even care myself. In exchange for money, sometimes I feel my soul slipping away. Without my own free time and leisure, I use work to identify myself. I forgot who I really am, what I really want to do.

"Oh hi, what do you do? How's life?"
"Hello, I'm an auditor! Work sucks ... but all the same, I'm still an auditor!'

Inevitably, the conversation would just be about work, and how unfair the company is treating us etc etc etc. Such negative conversations slowly sucks the life out of me. Leaves me feeling depressed, unhappy and just tired.

I have to constantly remind myself to step away from the grind of work and remind myself to live my life. But naturally before I do that, I have to think through .... think long and hard ....

Exactly what is life? How should I live mine?