Sunday, June 06, 2004

Solitude or Loneliness

Loneliness expresses the pain of being alone, while solitude expresses the joy and glory of being alone.

I am not quite sure if I am at a stage when I feel lonely or am I still enjoying my occassional periods of solitude. More often than not, I enjoy the time when I go about my own business and not being disturbed. I do not feel the need to butt my head into other people's business unless they specifically come up to me with a problem, and likewise I do not like people poking their nose into my issues until I approach them with it. But, there are disturbing moments when I start pondering on the pain of being a single entity instead of its joy. These few moments are not enough to bring my mood down permanently. However it is something I do have to re-examine before it grows to become an issue with me, isn't it.



Since I choose to ponder on my own issues alone, I should face them alone without too many distractions. Together with any self-awareness and additional issues that being a single entity brings along.