Wednesday, September 16, 2009

the same message

In my world, coincidence is only the universe's way of telling me something. Out of a set of 78 cards, what are the odds of picking out the same card as yesterday?

Yes, I know, 1.28% chance.

Mathematically I know.

But add to it the purpose of the picking the card with the set faced down for meditation?

I am confounded to, say the least, of drawing exactly the same card.

Key words:-
~ time for deep let-go
~ allow any pain, sorrow or difficulty just to be there
~ accept its 'facitivity'
~ knowing there is nothing more you can do
~ transformation, like death, comes in its own time
~ and like death, it brings you from one dimension to another

People deal with it differently I guess.
What I know is our differences are neutral. It is how we perceive that makes it positive or negative. In certain ways, he forces me to be a better me. I can detest this perceived “forcefulness”. Or I can deal and be aware I can be better. And in the long run make the r/s stronger because our capacity for each other is enhanced. How he views our differences? I guess it is a insumountable barrier in his mind. Every difference is a glaring fault perhaps. I know I have tried. I am not sure if he has really been trying hard these past 6 months or has he just been simmering over our differences. Perhaps it should not matter anymore right now. I should just accept whatever happened is water under the bridge, and see where we go from here.

Let-go. Let go whatever has happened. Accept whatever may come.