Thursday, August 09, 2007

a nation's birthday

I am rather embarrassed to let people know this, but whenever I hear our Singapore pledge, I will always tear. Don't ask me why. It is almost the most natural thing, if not for the fact that it seem rather odd and uncool to tear over our pledge.

I watched Dim Sum Dollies, and I had to turn away away when Emma Yong started reciting the pledge during a sketch on "Miss Singapore". When I was younger as a student, I always felt that whatever the pledge encompass was an utter tall order. Now that I am older, it is still a tall order, but with the added element of 'eh, maybe, just maybe we can achieve".

I have never understood all those performances during National Day parade. Honestly, it bores me to death and I do not really appreciate the efforts put into the formations. The part I enjoyed most is always the marching, and the armed forces. Then I will go do my stuff, come out again to watch the telly for the year's theme song and anthem, and of course watch the pledge recital. Oh, did I forget to mention the fireworks?

Oh god, Singapore is 42. I still remember the time when Singapore was 25, and I was only 11 or 12. I love "We are Singapore", and will always remember how we were made to memorise the lyrics. As cheesy as it sounds, it is still one of my personal favorites till today. In college, there was flag raising in the morning. Something I always had to do when other councillors forgot about it, and me being the councillor for the class standing the nearest to the poles. It always come down to me. I wonder if I am the councillor who did flag raising the most. Always take a moment before raising the flag. It is not very nice if the flag is upside down, or simply the wrong way.

Laura once asked me if I ever considered emigrating like some of the Singaporeans. I gave her a "are-you-mad" look. I know Singapore is not perfect. There are many areas we need to work on, many areas we need to improve on. But with the added sense of relativity, there is really no other country I would rather be in. As much as I like the Big Apple, I think I will be rather miserable there.

Ah yes, Singapore is 42. And I am sure before I know what hit me, Singapore will be 50.