Friday, March 19, 2004

I am actually surfing on my bed; documenting my thoughts on the bed, huddled under a blanket. I cannot believe that I am actually doing this, and enjoying it.

Today had been a pretty decent day. Apart from the constant refrain of “what should I do now”, life goes on and time passed by without much of a fuss, which is a pretty good sign since it means I am not boring myself to death yet.

You know, some people cannot be by themselves. They need people to accompany them. I am proud to say I think I can spend time with myself, and not feel bored or have a lowered self-esteem along a way. I can listen to the music I feel like, and just chill for the moment. I can pick up one of the books I am supposed to read and actually read in peace. I can sit on my floor on my sheepskin rug and just fall into a daze without any guilty thoughts that my time can be spent better. I can sit on my bed and type rubbish (like what I am doing now) and not care about the time and whether it is time for me to turn in for whatever reasons. And I can reject all the dates in the world simply because I feel like staying at home on a Friday night.

I surfed so much earlier that I decided to switch off the computer and just do some reading in peace. I did, read a pretty decent amount for a really long time at night. Although I was feeling a tad sleepy, but hey it’s okay! Since I feel like typing some nonsense now, the computer came back on without second thoughts. Simply coz I feel like it.

I know I am blabbering as usual. But who gives a damn.

There is a precious commodity that money can’t buy. It is called time and doing as you please. I figured I wouldn’t really give up what I have for all the gold in the world right now. Hey, ain’t going to sell my soul to the devil!

Wonder how this past week has been for all my friends and ex-colleagues. As much I feel for them and like to be kept in the loop of matters, but a part of me doesn’t really want to hear the complaints of work too. I view too many complaints about life and work in general as a toxin, a poison and we should all work hard at avoiding them. It influences the good soul and spirit in all of us.

Yes…. Keep my spirits up and keep the soul pure.