Thursday, May 13, 2004

The perplexing train system ….

[@ Narita Airport]
昨晚在飞机上度过,没睡多少。一早就到了东京,得等12小时转机到夏威夷。12个小时,我能做什么?就决定座一趟电车,去Narita City. 一个很靠近机场的小镇。

平时我看日本的地铁系统都觉得有点复杂了,今天竟得自己花时间去理解,才能搭车。The train system in Japan, as my sister puts is very aptly, is very perplexing. First, you have to make some sense of the Japanese equivalent name of Narita City. Once done, you stare really hard at the fare map system and decide how much we have to pay for the train ride. After which when you thought the worst is over and all you have to do it just to catch the train, the horror begins. We approached the train bay rather warily since we do not quite understand the instructions which were all in Japanese. The various trains that approached all looked different in terms of the design of the trains. *Warning bells* After which, we noticed that they all have different destination labels by the side of the train carriages. *Warning bells*

Uh huh, how do we know which particular train we are supposed to catch?

Back to the train mapping system for more discussion and evaluation.

Ohhhhh, so there are 2 separate train companies that provides train services to Narita Airport. No wonder the trains looked different.

More evaluation ….

Ohhhh, so each company still offers different classes of train rides (eg. Express which does not stop at every station, Limited Service which serves the poor normal folks like us, and also the very classy Skyliner which is like C-L-A-S-S), with all varying pricing schemes.

Right, no wonder every freaking train looks different from the one that came earlier.

Since we bought the cheapest ticket from the ticketing system, we figured that we probably have to take the oldest and most disgusting looking train that came. Well, we are only going for one stop and going by the map, it looked as if every train will stop at this station as there is a border around the town’s name. So we hopped onto the next old looking thing racketing thing that came long, with our fingers crossed.

Lucky us, the train stopped at the right station.

And you know what, I have concluded that give me a few more days in Japan & I would have figured out the perplexing train system in Japan. The train ride back from Narita City to the airport was E-A-S-Y!

*Arrogant, haha!*