Monday, October 04, 2004

Count my blessings

I have a little "duh" habit during my birthday. I count my blessings (truly, you have to know what it means to count your blessings when you come from Christian schs for 6 years). And I count them literally, scope being the number of birthday greetings that I get on this day itself. Belated ones are not included. The time limit is that 24 hours when it is still valid.

Why do I do this?

不知道。或许,这样做,能增加那一点点的幸福感。知道自己其实没那么孤单。Alone, but not lonely. There are still people out there who remembers your existence and makes an effort to send their best wishes to you.

I used to take such good fortune for granted, especially when one was in school and the whole class would make you feel special on your birthday. Back then, there was no need to count, because it would be endless. Everyone in school will be coming up to your face and wishing you a Happy Birthday.

But as we progess along this road called Life, it is those who make that effort, when you do not see them everyday or even regularly, to send their best wishes to you who truly values your friendship. No matter how busy each and everyone of us are with our own lives, a simple sms or email speaks volume.

A guy who used to woo me, sent me a greeting at 12 midnight sharp. I was pleasantly surprised. I never did send him any, because I do not know when his birthday was. Perhaps I should go find out and reciprocate his birthday wishes. Friends who go back for more than 5 years always make me feel especially appreciated when they remember. I know how much effort it takes to remember when life passes you in a blur.

Of course, I guess the flip side would be true too if people who used to matter so much did not even vaguely showed that they remembered. It would hurt a little, I guess. But I am not going to stick my head out for their wishes when I already have all these best wishes by my side.

Count my blessings ... I have counted for the past 5 years. I think I will continue counting. Even if I only have 5 next time when I am 40, it is enough for me.

For the 21 people out there, thanks. Life ain't such a bum at times.