Tuesday, March 01, 2005


"You have high expectations".

Just that.

Nothing like having it straight in your face without all the sugar or lacing. Nay, not that I was offended, I was a little amused at that revelation. Naturally, I guess I turned a little defensive (though I hoped not too much). You cannot blame me. Afterall, movies and drama serials all showed us from a very young and impressionable age that women who have high expectations are normally too critical towards things and people around them. Or even judgmental? But no matter the case, women like that are normally not that popular within social circles. Honestly, who wants a woman who stands firm her opinion? Or worse, has more opinion than another person in the room? And (heaven forbid), women like that usually are left on the shelf.

Thank god my ego was larger than that. Heh, I know better. I guess. Though it took me a while to figure it out after I get home.

So what was the high expectations about?
Generally over life and men, or at least I guess that was a statement she got across.

High expectations typically means that a large population of the happenings (or men), or choices in life are excluded, or just not considered. And this brought me back to the online quiz which I did for fun a couple of weeks back when concluded that "You take a selective approach to dating, and you can afford to be picky. You aren't looking for a quick flirt - but a memorable encounter." Maybe there is some truth to this online quiz thingy.

But anyway ... how do I reconcile a statement as perceived by external parties with who I think I am?

My high expectations (after reviewing, I guess I do have high expectations though I loathe to admit it), are by no means, me trying to be difficult or superior or demanding. I do not fancy having people around me cringe or avoid me.

Sometimes, one just want more out of life, be it in life or love. Though without a doubt, it's a hard act to see through and probably a tough bill for any ordinary man to fill. But really, instead of being disappointed, if heaven allows and hope remains, maybe we all may end up happier than we could ever imagine.

Maybe. If I dare remain hopeful.