Sunday, May 27, 2012


it is probably politically incorrect, but privately, i do think a lot of people are bullies. by default they strike an aggressive posture and bully their way their liking. and hope that no one calls their bluff on their bullying. betting on the fact that people generally shield away from ugliness and confrontations.

they raise their voices first. their body language reeks of aggressiveness. and they try their darnest to embarrass you so you will just give them what they want to get them to go away.

when you call them on their bluff. or confront them. then you most probably get an even louder voice in an even uglier tone. and by god, now i could possibly be very very embarrassed.

or maybe i am not.

and i will still not give you what you want. 

sometimes i don't react because you are just nothing. not worth my energy and time to give you a reaction. and yet, sometimes i don't react because i am only waiting for the appropriate time to pull out a gun in response to your knife.

problem for you is, you never know if you belong to the former or latter. for your own sake, i do hope it is the former and that you are simply nothing and nobody.