Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Unbelievably, I finished 2 books at the same time. These two books have been on my "Reading" list for the longest time I can remember. One talks about a very serious topic of globalization, while another on the observations of life. I would not say that they are boring books. No, not at all. Just that one requires a clear frame of mind to read, while another requires a more "introspective" frame of mind to appreciate. Of which both, for some weird reasons, calls for a lot of effort from me for these few weeks.

Which probably explains why I took such a long time to finish reading them.

Then, at the point when I flick the last page of both books, I only had one thought "That's it? I was just getting into it".

Yes, that is it.

I am done with the book, no matter how introspective I am feeling right now. Apparently the book is through with the issue of globalization, no matter how strongly I feel for or against it. The books do not continue just because I feel like continuing with it. When it is done, it is done. If I had enjoyed the book throughout the process of it, good for me. Otherwise, tough luck. The fact of the matter is, the deal is over and done with.

Isn't it the same issue with life?

Often the process of life feels more like a chore than an activity to be enjoyed. I try to muddle through my everyday and at the end the day say "无惊无险,又过了一天". Such a thought strongly suggests I am not that keen and proactive on the process of life. Just like reading a book, I trudge through it because I bought it and I was once vaguely interested in its topic. Perhaps I did not quite enjoy the process of reading them because I was not in the right frame of mind. It became a chore of little joy.

And just when I was finding some joy in them, the book ended. Just like that. Over and done with. If you feel like pondering more on such topics, please go ahead and look for similar books.

I wouldn't deny there was a tinch of disappointment that the books ended. Ahh, I was just getting into them, though no doubt it did take a little long on my side to get into the feel of matters. But at least I think I learnt a little something today. I am going to enjoy my books next time right from the first page, and not just when I feel like it.

And with my life too, perhaps? Goodness gracious, striving to enjoy your life no matter how boring or tedious it may be sounds like a very tall order to me. But if I can be disappointed at the flicking of the last page, I can imagine the disappointment at my last breath if I do not try hard now.