Friday, October 28, 2005



或许我的26岁会和25 有很大的不同。








Tuesday, October 18, 2005



Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Birthday thoughts

It is the afternoon on my 26th b-day. After numerous b-day wishes and more social appointments made later for the week, it is now at this point when I am sitting down on the staring watching my little doggie and I thought "Okay missy, 26. How?"

Earlier, I was playing a strategy game on my PC. I laid down the foundations, then enemies attacked and I shut off the game. This is the way I play games. I enjoy starting them off, but not quite defending them nor attacking anyone. Build it, have glorious foundations, but I am not so good on attacking and being aggressive. I always become the sitting duck.

Maybe I am wasting time on less-important things. Who cares if my cities look beautiful. No one wins the game by building beautiful cities. Can it defend? Can it attack? How do I want to win? Am I winning?

There are many ways to win in the game. But I never seem to be able to decide upfront how I want to win. Not exactly focused on my task of winning.

Perhaps I have an issue with 'FOCUS'. In games, and maybe in life. Little things do distract me. I know I always start off well and good. But I just lose whatever advantages I have along the way as I muddle along.

I have ended enough games as the loser to know that this sucks. More importantly, I want to hold on to my good start and leverage on them. And this applies to both my game, and my life.

At 26, I have no idea how my life may play out. And I am sure it will be a series of goals and purpose as I muddle along. I don't mind the muddling, and once in a while getting lost. But I just do not want my life to end up the way my games do - squandering all advantages and good cards that life has offered me.

There are certain situations when it is okay to get lost and feel your way around. But there are also times when it is an activity that might just ultimately cost me the whole win. The devil is in knowing exactly what situation I am in.

So, at 26 .. here I am .. pondering on what sort of situations I should just get serious about and just pound hard on them, and what are the causes that I can afford to slow down a little and muddle a little.

Time to take stock ...
and this, on a hot balmy afternoon ...

Hello world! And happy 26th to myself ..

Monday, October 03, 2005


“孤单不一定不快乐 ... 得到不一定能长久

转身不一定最软弱 ... 犹豫不一定别无选择

逃避不一定躲得过 ... 面对不一定最难受

你能找到理由难过 ... 你也一定能找到快乐”

说得太好了 ...

Sunday, October 02, 2005



