Sunday, February 22, 2004

Tomorrow is yet another day at work. And this week promises to be a very challenging week for me. So much to accomplish before the week is over. Can I do it? It feels almost like mission impossible at this point in time.

But impossibility is what fearful people tell themselves to convince themselves that it cannot be dome.It is not a fact. Can I prove myself in the face of such tight deadlines and demands from myself?

I guess I need to find within myself that last burst of energy; to finish what I started out and to end it all properly before March 12th.

Come on! You can do that. Find that last burst of motivation and energy. Finish up your work properly. For the firm, and for yourself! It is already the last lap, you can already see the end. Do not disappoint the people around you, and do not end with a bad reputation before you go.

Believe that I should.
Believe that I can.

Believe in my own abilities.

她- “最近怎样了?”
她- “大家这么熟了,无聊啊你?怎样?记不记得5,6年前我问你是不是同性恋?过后你和那个谁4年,我也按了心。可你现在,我又要问了。干吗还不谈恋爱?你是怕什么,还是没对上眼?你别告诉我你现在是同志啊?”








Friday, February 20, 2004











Thursday, February 19, 2004







Wednesday, February 18, 2004




Close your eyes and listen to your mind.
Just be yourself.

Have faith. I will seek and find.
I will feel and confront my own fears.
Listen to the wind whispering to the leaves.
Watch the lapping waves bring new stories with each break.
Look inside my heart, I will find myself.
My world. This is what it really is about.

My reality. It should not be the reality that people perceive. It should be
seen through my lens, mine and mine alone.

My life. The new beginning that I seek with the end of a relationship. And
I am ready for it.

My dreams. Those images that seem so far fetched and impossible. But
impossibility is not a fact. It is only an opinion.

My experiences. It brings flavor and meaning to my life. An existence
without new experiences and thoughts is called "desperation living",
surviving from day to day. An existence with new experiences and
understanding is called "inspiration living".

I will find my theme song in life.

Friday, February 13, 2004

Finally did the dirty deed today.

Friday the 13th, Feb 2004. I submitted my resignation to the firm.

I was very nervous about the whole process today. I kept playing the scenes in my head on how I am going about submitting my resignation to the various people.

After I finally got down to “action”, the entire process took less than 5 minutes. I did not allow myself to stay and chat for more than 5 minutes with anyone. I do not want to discuss this issue with my superiors until I am ready. After that, I scooted off to a client’s place for some peace and quiet.

I felt so tired.

Perhaps carrying the burden of “when to tender, pondering over the wisdom of it” is really heavy.

Today I got it out of my system.

No more looking back. No more wondering. Finally I acted on my promise to myself. This will not be the regret of my life in the future.


Thursday, February 12, 2004

While driving home today, I wept. It was tears of fright and loss, really.

I realized today that tomorrow is my “designated” day to tender my resignation to the firm. That realization filled me with a lot of confusion. To be really honest, I’m petrified. Suddenly I have no idea what I was thinking. Why do I want to resign? Do I really want to do this? What happens after that? Do I really have the guts to? Am I sure?

The sense of confusion and loss was so overwhelming. I couldn’t help it but I felt very small for that period of time. For a brief moment, a thought flashed through my head: “Why dun I just not tender tomorrow then?” For a while, all that feeling of loss left me. But a quick question came up: “Then what?” Continue working and moan about my life?

I guess that could be an option?

A thousand and one thoughts went through my head. The main part was giving the louse in me a lot of excuse not to hand in my letter tomorrow. It ranged to “do it when you are ready” to “why not just get your CPA”. I have never felt like such a coward before.

How certain am I of this, really?


So I picked up my trusty book on inspirations when I got home and continue where I left the other time. The message today was simply as follows:-

I would rather be ashes than dust!
I would rather that my spark burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry rot.
I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in a magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet.
The function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days in trying to prolong them.
I shall use my time.

Jack London

He is right. One may compromise on a hundred and one things in life, but we should never compromise our life, and the adventures it may bring forth.


Wednesday, February 11, 2004

I enjoy watching plays, musicals, dance & movies (collectively known as “the play” here). A lot. I like the feeling of having a drama unfold in front of me. And normally for as long as the play continues, I would be quite absorbed in it. I wouldn’t fidget, or look at the person beside me, or wonder about the time (Okay, unless it is really a boring play).

Plays present me with a world very different from the reality I know. But today, I shan’t wonder exactly why I like plays.

Last sat I watched another play. Very interesting play. It’s called Asian Boys II, about gays in Singapore. I was never very shocked about gay relationships, so it was not very scandalous to me whatsoever. But one statement made by one of cast hit me in the face. The statement left a very very deep impression.

“You remember the dates. Leave it to me to remember the moments”.

I was stunned. Why was I stunned? I’m not too sure. Maybe by the inference we can make from that statement.

Have I, in the course of my life, over-glorified the importance of dates, and neglected to celebrate the moments in my life?

I probably had.

My entire course of existence was marked by dates. For example:-

1. Birthday – 4 Oct
2. Date I got attached – 11 Nov
3. Date my heart broke – 11 Nov
4. Date I started work – 13 Aug
5. Date I got my driving license – 24 March
6. Date I tendered (which is actually something I would do soon) – 13 Feb
7. Date I …… – 12 Jan
8. Date I got my new car – 10 April

So many dates. Do they really mean anything? Why do I remember the dates?

I guess remembering dates for them being milestones is fine. They represent a certain stage of our lives. Apart from that, is there any point in remembering dates? Perhaps to remind ourselves that we once had moments that took our breath away; moments that left their imprint in our minds; moments that caused so much emotional upheaval that we truly felt alive or dead.

In our busy everyday life, we hardly have enough time to rest and think, let alone have the energy to remember moments. So we settle for the second-best choice. We choose to remember the dates instead. At least they serve as reminders that our lives are not as vanilla plain as we think they are.

But we should not over-emphasis on dates. Celebrate and enjoy the moments in our lives too! Moments big or trivial, they all still make up our experience in life.

A moment today brought a smile to my face.

I was standing at the traffic junction, waiting to cross the road and at the same time bemoaning that it is another start of the workday. A gentle breeze came by. While I swept a lock of hair from my eyes, I looked up and saw the leaves fluttering in the wind. Not quite dropping off the branches but dancing rhythmically with the breeze. I smiled and took a deep breath. It smelt more of nature than the pollution of the city.

For that few moments, I forgot where I was and enjoyed the breeze for where it was.

Today is not a date of any importance. But the moment today, I remember, and will remember.

Leave it to me to remember the moments.

Tuesday, February 10, 2004




这12年我也买了,听了许多其他人的专辑。例如郑秀文,苏慧伦,许茹云etc etc. 很多。假如你来我的房间,你会发现my taste in music is quite diverse. Classical, Pop, R&B whatever. 其实我听什么歌,是看我当时的心情。有时喜欢静一点,有时却想rock一点,有时又会想听一些感情丰富的歌。





Monday, February 09, 2004

“Not all that is spoken is right, and not all that is written is true.”

A very stark statement isn’t it. It carries a hint of irony that many people are not aware of. And we go about our everyday business, not challenging the daily prints in our lives or statements made by people perceived to be in positions of authority.

Sad, but a fact of life.

We take most printed words to be the holy truth. We assume instructions or stories told to us by people in position of power or seniority to be right.

Word by word, they present the world through the author’s lens. If it’s written, it must be true! It is out there in black and white, with no shades of grey.

Vowel by vowel, speech is translated into the truth of life. If it is spoken with confidence, it must mean something! After all it is uttered by the very people we respect for some reason.

Perhaps such beliefs and reasoning makes life easier to handle. It saves us the trouble of thinking and pondering. The truth is floating out there. Why waste all that energy and effort to challenge them?


Maybe lies and sugar-coated truths are undemanding. They allow us to live in the world we want to stay in and not complicate our lives with too much thinking. Thinking and pondering is hard, it is not exactly the most popular activity around.

Everything we do in life, we do them for a reason. Every word printed, every word spoken is for a reason too. There is a hidden motivation for them. Is it definitely true and right?


Who knows?

But the mere fact of a big question mark to that question should not deter us from questioning the printed and spoken words. The evolution of life brought us the gift of thoughts and opinion. Why allow other people to tell you what the world is like? Form your own opinion!

Right or wrong, truth or lie?

At least the merit lies in it being your own thoughts, and not others. It beats just taking them at face value and living with it.

Saturday, February 07, 2004

Today I was reading a parable.

In it, a paragraph struck me.

“Most people are like water in a kettle. They try to reach boiling point but, when this happened, they don’t think about removing the kettle from the fire. That is why the water boils over and extinguishes that which exactly brought it to the boil”. [The Master, Chao-Hsiu Chen]

How true is this?

Often there is some desire and ambition inside us, pushing us to give our very best in our daily activities. The fire within us, which pushes us to limits which we only dream of. Some people may never come to a boil, for a variety of reasons. This is not the issue. A life with fire and purpose is always a meaningful life, regardless of whether it boils eventually.

The danger is when we boil over and yet is not aware. We may have reached the pinnacles in our pursuit for success, but the success of it did not register. We continue on the process of boiling. The same way water evaporates when it reaches a certain temperature; our passion for life dulls as we persist in our mad-capped pursuit.

In the same manner when boiling water spills over the brim and extinguishes the fire beneath; our meaning in life snaps when we lose the passion. We lose the personal definition of what life is, and what living entails.

Asians do not boil their water for the fun of it. We boil water for a reason.

People do not go about their daily business for nothing. We have our purposes and dreams to fulfill in everything that we do.

Just as watching the fire under the kettle reduces the potential of leaking gases in modern homes; remembering the focus and purpose of our pursuits ensures that we are always near the boiling peak of our lives but never over-boiling.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004



~ 你最近好吗?有好些日子没收到你的email 了。也不太明白为何好好的,你突然没有了回应。不过我尊重你的选择,也许某些原因所以你不想回应。假如你现在有了新的对象,也许我们不联络对她比较公平。









今天的工作态度更是差。明明都有可能做不完了,可就是定不下心来做。 还有一种不在乎的心态,我到底是怎么了? 是自己不够睡眠才会这样,还是自己越来越不负责任了? 这不好吧!

好想抛开身上所有的工作,休息一下,让自己平静下来先。 可这简直是异想天开,根本不可能发生的。 常言道《拿人钱财,替人消灾》,谁会管你有多累,或你什么。反正得做的,就得做。


Monday, February 02, 2004





