Wednesday, June 30, 2004










Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Missing the comfort of basic common understanding ...

I was in an alright mood today. Considering that I managed to get quite a bit of reading done today, I should be quite happy with how my day turned out. I even managed to meet some Uni friends for dinner. But somehow, for some reasons unknown to me earlier, I lapsed into what my friend noticed as "quiet" mood during dinner. Actually it was slight "depression" mode, unknown to people around.

I didn't talk a lot, which apparently was pretty noticeable. I infer that normally I come with a lot of noise. I know something was not quite right, something I could not put my finger on as well. Being in the company of friends outside is not quite the right time for introspection or to ponder on your own mood swings. So I left it as that.

Meaningless internet surfing, with its countless clicking, does put one's active mind on auto-pilot and lets the sub-conscious mind set in.

I know what was wrong.

Somehow, the friendship had turned a little distant, a little cold tonight. Maybe I was thinking too much, being too sensitive. It does count as a huge deal to me when I have nothing to say to my friends, nothing to joke about, nothing to share. It felt like there was nothing in common. Silence can be deafening. Tonight's silence over dinner table was a little too loud and its duration progressively longer. How can 4 people sitting at the same table not have anything much to say? Even strangers have the weather to discuss about.

Conversations used to flow flawlessly from one topic to another, without much of the deafening bouts of silence. Could this be the pangs of growing up, when one another's experience differs so much that we can no longer relate? And that one another's thoughts and focus in life begins to deviate, and hence less grounds for sharing and talking?

I miss the comfort of understanding; of common focus in life; of the similarities of experience; and of the knowledge that you are not quite alone.

I hope I am just being entirely wrong on this matter. I hate this stupid feeling of "depression" anyway. Maybe it is just PMS; maybe I am just being too sensitive; maybe I can will all these away.

Didn't people say the will of humans is stronger than steel? Maybe I can will all these negativity away.









Sunday, June 27, 2004

Glory of living

Sometimes when the rational side of me is dominant and adopt a slightly more pessimistic view of issues, I wondered if I would be bitter and disappointed should my dreams and expectations fail to live out. I wondered if I should feel cheated of the twists of chances and opportunities should my life take a turn for the worse. I wondered if I would be brimming full of regrets in my old age.

I have no idea what to make out of this notion, this gift given called Life.

And really, one of the main issue that I do grapple with everyday about Life is the understanding of "Courage" and "Fear".

How does one go about making Life glorious? How do you celebrate Life in the face of fear?

I have no answer. I am still wondering. But I came across this quote from Nelson Mandela. I am sure I would fully appreciate the meaning of his statement in my own personal capacity at the right time, sometime in the future.

"But if our expectations, if our fondest prayers and dreams are not realised, then we should bear in mind that the greatest glory of living lies not in never falling, but in rising everything you fall"

Nelson Mandela

Saturday, June 26, 2004

Barrage of bad news

There has been a torrid bombardment of bad news recently. It makes reading the papers in the morning depressing.

We have the case of a Korean guy being beheaded in Iraq. And then, we have all the bombings and killings in Iraq in the area of Falluja (which at my last reading stated 100 dead). And now, we have an Iran tanker carrying full of gasoline which crashed and killed more than 70 people in a fireball.

Locally, we have the Nicholl Highway which is still very fresh in my mind, together with the site collapse at Ayer Rajah. Then there are those errant cases of someone stabbing someone or killing someone (take for example the case of the youth who was stabbed to death at Westmall). Or you have some poor lass who was abused.

(Of course some people might tell me the Eurocup match when England lost to Portugal on penalties, but are you serious?)

Senseless. Mostly senseless and without reason tragedies.

It makes the world hard to understand and impossible to grapple. I do not remember growing up with so much bad news around me, but that was probably because I was not an avid reader of newspapers last time. But now, everytime I read the papers, it just harden me more. Emotionally, too much bad news and negative reports can wear you down.

How many beheading can you bear? I have already reached my quota for my lifetime.

So you learn to protect yourself. You learn to distant yourself from the happenings and just read them with a poker-straight face. You just continue living in the world that we are all so lucky to be living in, pushing out all the bad news and happenings as if it was a movie because it would never happen to us. We form our own little protective bubble & live in our own little world, pretending that it does not interact with the rest of the globe; taking the blessings that we enjoy as granted such as human rights. In our own little bubble, we engage in our own pursuits, bettering our interests or material comforts. We have to learn to make ourselves happy in our own little ways when all we see is a rush of negative news every morning. And I try to do that, to keep my spirits up.

I will not fully understand whatever point the extremists in the Middle East are trying to make with their ideological adaptation of their religion. I do not grasp the motive of the half-hearted decisions of the Western powers in times like this. But I know opinions of people are the hardest to change, and politics sometimes turn out to be a dirty game without really advancing people's cause.

And this just dampens my spirits more, being a citizen of this world. Not just being a citizen of my country.

I like to ask loudly "WHAT KIND OF WORLD AM I LIVING IN"? But that sounds highly frustrated and angry with the world. It sounds like I no longer have any hope of any advancement of civilization in the world. However that is not the case. We have come a long way as humans, as civilizations. No matter our race, our beliefs and our language, I want to believe that we are progressing together as mankind, as a collective civilization.

In the face of the barrage of bad news, I want to believe in the possibility one day I will wake up and read that there is a ceasefire in Iraq; that people in China not only have economic freedom but also political freedom; that women in Middle East not only can drive but can vote and work in the society; that there are no more ideological franchise of Al-Queada and many other more positive news that will bring a smile to many people's faces.

I do not want to think that the world is regressing. I want to believe, the world is just taking 2 steps forward but 1 step back; that we are still progressing albeit slowly.

Wednesday, June 23, 2004











Monday, June 21, 2004

机会, 机缘

“Opportunity is a matter of chance, not a matter of time”
Or so they say.




Opportunity is a matter of having the right chance at the right time.


Sunday, June 20, 2004

For a reason, a season, a lifetime ...

People always come into your life for

When you figure out which it is, You know exactly what to do...When someone is in your life

It is usually to meet a need you have expressed outwardly or inwardly... They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, or spiritually...They may seem like a Godsend, and they are... they are there for a reason you need them to be...Then, without any wrongdoing on your part, Or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end... sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up or out and force you to take a stand...What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled; Their work is done...The prayer you sent up has been answered And it is now time to move on...

When people come into your life FOR A SEASON, it is because your turn has come to share, grow, or learn...they may bring you an experience of peace, or make you laugh...they may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount
Of joy...Believe it! It is real! But, ONLY FOR A SEASON...And like Spring turns to Summer
And Summer to Fall, the season eventually ends.

LIFETIME RELATIONSHIPS teach you a lifetime of lessons; Those things you must build upon
In order to have a solid emotional foundation...Your job is to accept the lesson, Love the person/people (anyway); And put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life...

It is said that love is blind, but friendship is clairvoyant...

I have always remembered this when I first read it. It affirmed my belief that we are all interconnected in someways or the other. Everyone's path cross for a reason. Or at least that is what I like to believe in.

And why this entry?
So I will always have it by my side instead of just relying on my memory.
I wonder who would be my lifetime friends? And who would fade away and be a piece of memory?

Saturday, June 19, 2004

the image ..

And this was the image I had in mind when I was trying to link the 4 virtues together. Originally I kept on thinking "it has gotta be a 'Y' shape". But it just doesn't feel right. Only when I wrote that poem-like 4 sentences, then I realised what I had in mind all along was a triangular pyramid. There are no other nicer photos than this .... and it is from this site [to give credit]. Posted by Hello

The 4 virtues ... [continued]

Hey journal,

I was throwing about the 4 virtues in my head again today. Did my usual stuff,which basically amounts to nothing much and surfed a little, trying to understand a bit more of what the ancient Greek folks were thinking when they came up with these. Pretty interesting philosophy, very basic but very powerful notions. I tried to come up with my own personal meanings to them instead of relying on the dictionary. I guess I have to if I want these 4 virtues to mean something to me, in my everyday life, in their personal ways. I have to admit I am pretty bad at defining words, afterall I am linguistically-challenged.

It took me an entire hour of doodling on my notepad before I can come with up anything, but this is my best shot at organizing my thoughts on these 4 virtues [and I am sure sub-consciously, I plagiarized some of the wordings, somehow, from some other websites].

Wisdom - Excellence of reason
Temperance - Moderation of spirit
Courage - Mastery of fear
Justice - Accordance of truth

I know, a lot of people will pick fault with my definition of justice. Afterall the dictionary did say "Justice is when you are being just, impartial and fair". And when one does that, you do accord the truth, grant the fairness of the situation and bring it to reality.

And I have to agree with Plato [Wow, like who the bloody hell am I to agree with Plato?], wisdom and temperance must come in unity with courage before justice and truth will see the light of the day. I am not as eloquent as Plato to surmise it into one sentence. But I got to have my own personal statement on this to make my belief whole, so again, my best attempt at organizing these 4 virtues into something personal.

One alone, it means nothing
Two incomplete, no form is served
Three united, the base is laid
Peak rises, justice brightly shines

Does this mean something?
It sure means something to me, something personal, but essential.

Friday, June 18, 2004

The 4 virtues ...

Today I was just reading and I came across this quote:

"Courage, the footstool of the Virtues, upon which they stand"
Robert Louis Stevenson

[Now, for those who do not know, this guy wrote Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Extremely talented man with a whole lot of other very good quotes. But that is for another blog].

I was stupefied. Why is "virtues" in caps? And what exactly makes up the virtues? I know what the 7 sins are, but kill me for I have no idea what the "Virtues" are. I need to know. He used the word "footstool". This isn't very common. I would have used cornerstone or something else. Does that mean he is referring to 4 virtues, rather than 7 or 8 or 10?

I guess. My educated guess.

Anyhow, this is what I dug from the internet.

Classical Greek philosophers considered the foremost virtues to be prudence, temperance, courage, and justice.

Our modern definition of these virtues according to the Merriam-Webster Online are as follows:-
1. Prudence refers to "the ability to govern and discipline oneself by the use of reason". The excellence of reason could be more commonly referred to as "wisdom";
2. Temperance refers to "moderation in action, thought, or feeling";
3. Courage refers to "mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty";
4. Justice refers to "the quality of being just, impartial, or fair".

Plato bonded these 4 Virtues as such, "Wisdom is the chief and leader: next follows temperance; and from the union of these two with courage springs justice".

I know, you are going to ask me what I am hoping to achieve by digging up all these. 我不知道,不过我得先搞清楚。或许以后有用。You never know when a little awareness of philosophy is going to help you in your life next time.

I am going to sit on this for a while. I think originally I wanted to know what courage means; what sort of difference it can make to my life mentally and emotionally.

Bear with me, dear journal. I am sure there is a reason why I am digging here, but it is just not obvious to me yet. It will hit me, I am sure it will hit me later as I plod along in life.

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Above all, I am a woman

前两天和朋友icq, 就谈到我们各自现在都处于在“寻找”的时期。各有各的辛苦,各有各的难处,各都在为自己的missing component努力。大家还是有自己的希望。对自己的生活还是满怀梦想。

那时大家的语气都满严肃的。现在我回想当时,觉得有点好笑,不过很真实。是女生对女生很坦白的谈话。关于missing component, 我们两个人的答案都包括了“男人”。




忙碌时,他寄你个sms, 提醒你吃饭,怕你胃又疼。






No matter my role in the society, the world I live in, or who I am.
Above all, I am a woman.

This is probably the best and worst thing about being a woman. Always.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Be my friend....

Just a little attempt at verbalizing my thoughts on friendship...

Be my Friend
Honour & Trust
Love & Respect
Be my friend

Share dreams & aspirations
Share defeats & victories
Be my friend

Be my cheerleader
Be my critic
Be my friend

On this journey of life & youth
Be my companion
Be my friend

Monday, June 14, 2004

Something I read ...

Just a little something which I read today:

"Dreams are memories that have yet to come"


Sunday, June 13, 2004

An excerpt of an email reply to a friend ..

" 我很羡慕你现在的世界。做学生,多好。一切都布置好,安排好了。你只需凭自己的努力,用工读书。开始,终点,考试,放假。一切,都是那么明显,那么直接。不需想太多,不需太怀疑自己的选择。因为,作为学生,选择的范围也不是很大。



而,这只是事业。There are so many other elements at play as well. Like my family, my finances, the experiences I would want to seek in my life. For every decision I make about my career, it has a direct impact and influence on other areas of my life.





I am not sure if I am happy. But at least I know, at the end of this when I have made my decision and move on, I will be happy that I took this time off at this point in my life. For better or worse, I know I will be glad I am doing this now.


Saturday, June 12, 2004





















Friday, June 11, 2004

A proper closure





自从我知道他回国了以后,我就在想我该不该约他出来,见个面。可另一方面,我又觉得就连他回来也没通知我,是不是代表我不该去打扰他。我不是想再续前缘。我和他,就连“半身缘”也未必谈得上。有时,我会觉得我们也没好好的结束过。就是在那泪水和埋怨结束的。那,既然现在一切都平服平静了,是不是该圆圆满满,好好儿见个面。就当作我为自己心里做个proper closure.



Thursday, June 10, 2004

Another blog ...

Against all normal allergics to commitments, I set up another blog. This time, meant for my own mindless ramblings and ranting. This blog reflects the more serious and mature side of me, and my own mindless dimension at times does not seem quite suitable in this blog.

Consider a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde stint. We all have divided self. I am not avoiding it.

By doing so, I just hope to give myself a sense of my character and personality. Perhaps help me see the lighter side of life at times, and the required essence of maturity when needed.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004






Monday, June 07, 2004






前几天,有一个朋友寄了一首歌给我。就很简单的一段字“Thought you may like this”. 就这样。我听完了歌,有点震撼。震撼因为我怎么会在这种心情,这种时候,收到朋友的这么一首歌?她怎么知道我那时是需要一点鼓励,一点力量。世界上有巧合吗?会有那么巧?她在我觉得我没人明白的时候,就把这么一首歌拿了出来,推翻了打乱了我的思绪。

Title – Breathe Again
“Have you wondered how it feels when it is all over
Wondered how it feels when you have to start anew
Never knowing where you are going
When you face a brand new day
It used to be that way
Now I just close my eyes and say

I just wanna breathe again
Rather face the joy and pain
Discover how to laugh a little
Cry a little, live a little more

I just wanna face the day
Forget about the woes of yesterday
Maybe if I hope a little
Try a little more
I will breathe again

Starting out again is never easy
Disappointments come and go
But life will still move on
With a bit of luck
It’s a brand new start
That might be just worth my way
No need to walk away
Don’t wanna live a life replay

Things will work out fine
If you can find the courage to look past the night
To see the break of dawn”

我告诉她:“You surprised me”.
她问:“Is that a compliment”?
“Of the highest regard”.
真的,my compliments to her of the highest regard.


生命里, 很多人都会是过客。什么样的人能在我生活里扮演角色?我不知道。不过我知道相信我和我的选择的人是我生活里的拉拉队。当我忘记这时,朋友们会用自己的方式提醒我。虽然这一路是我自己在和自己赛跑,不过我是有自己的拉拉队的。这些朋友未必能帮上什么,不过你知道这些拉拉队的存在,还是一件很庆幸的事。


Sunday, June 06, 2004

Solitude or Loneliness

Loneliness expresses the pain of being alone, while solitude expresses the joy and glory of being alone.

I am not quite sure if I am at a stage when I feel lonely or am I still enjoying my occassional periods of solitude. More often than not, I enjoy the time when I go about my own business and not being disturbed. I do not feel the need to butt my head into other people's business unless they specifically come up to me with a problem, and likewise I do not like people poking their nose into my issues until I approach them with it. But, there are disturbing moments when I start pondering on the pain of being a single entity instead of its joy. These few moments are not enough to bring my mood down permanently. However it is something I do have to re-examine before it grows to become an issue with me, isn't it.



Since I choose to ponder on my own issues alone, I should face them alone without too many distractions. Together with any self-awareness and additional issues that being a single entity brings along.

Saturday, June 05, 2004







Friday, June 04, 2004

Online test ....

1. You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.

2. In the process of courtship, the approach that would make you feel irresistable is creative, never let you feel bored.

3. The impression you would like to give to your lover is optimistic.

4. What you hate most in your partner is that the person is ruthless, cold-blooded, and/or ironic.

5. The kind of relationship you would like to build with your partner is one that you care not only about the present but also the future with your partner, a long-lasting relationship that you can grow with.

6. You care about the society and morality, you won't do anything wrong after marriage.

7. You think of marriage as a precious thing. Once you get married, you'll treasure it and your partner very much.

8. At this moment, you think of love as a committment for both parties.

Hmm, a simple choose-and-click can reveal all these?

Why dun you try it here at this site:

Is it just me or does the test seem to suggest that I have a very "idealistic" view of love, relationship and marriage? If this is really my attitude towards love, then hmm, I am really worried that I would be disappointed in real life ...

Thursday, June 03, 2004














The state of my table right now .. and it's only half the table. My mom doesn't even know what to make out of my mess .. heh, and it gets worse by the day... phew .... Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Another Lawyer ... in the making

Aiyah, what do you know! Another lawyer in the family, in the making! Cool, it beats having 2 accounting students at home. Hmm, so proud of my 2 sisters ... ;o)

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

状态啊, 一切都是状态




Putting things into perspective ... SMILE!

Saw a sentence that just stopped me in my run-of-the-mill activities, re-read it and smile ... ;o)

Tragedy is when you cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into a open sewer and die.

Tells a lot of putting things into perspectives, huh.
What a joker... hah!